Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Letter to the Editor: North Dakota needs Senator Klein

It is truly difficult to explain how important Senator Jerry Klein’s service in the North Dakota Senate is to our state and beyond. I’ve had the privilege of serving in the Senate with him since 2016, but I have known him since 2006, when I was a Pro Life and Pro Family volunteer lobbyist. If it was not for his leadership, institutional knowledge, and unwavering Pro Life values, I do not think North Dakota would be where we are today. Between protecting life, families and marriage, his strong faith and convictions for what is right for North Dakota and knowing how to get things accomplished has made him the most valuable member of our Senate. His servant leadership on the Senate floor and in committees is impeccable and all of us reap the benefit of his service.

N.D. Conservative


Janne Myrdal

N.D. District 19

Editor's Note: Per our policy regarding letters to the editor, the publication of this letter has been paid for by Jon Nelson and Robin Weisz, District 14 Representatives and Senator Jerry Klein.