Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Letter to the Editor: Vote for Jon Nelson

District 14 Voters,

I am writing to encourage the voters of District 14 to reelect Jon Nelson to the North Dakota House of Representatives. Jon is unwavering in his commitment to improving the lives of not only the people of District 14, but of all North Dakotans. As chairman of the House Appropriations – Human Resources Division, Jon has been instrumental in crafting essential services that impact the lives of most every citizen of our state.

Having had the privilege of working with Jon in an official capacity for the past 20 years, I have witnessed firsthand his dedication to improving public safety in our state, not only through unwavering support of law enforcement but also by championing correctional system reform. His commitment to creating a correctional system that prioritizes public safety through offering comprehensive behavioral health services, educational opportunities and job training is a testament to his vision and leadership.

Additionally, Jon has given support for initiatives that address behavioral health challenges facing our communities. He has championed legislation aimed at expanding access to mental health services, reducing stigma and improving outcomes for those struggling with mental illness and addiction. He has been a strong advocate for workforce readiness programs that equip individuals with the skills and training needed to thrive in today's economy. He understands the importance of bridging the gap between education and employment, and has been instrumental in creating pathways to economic prosperity for all North Dakotans.

Jon Nelson has proven himself to be a dedicated public servant who is committed to making a positive impact on the lives of his constituents and all North Dakotans. His leadership, integrity and passion for serving the people of North Dakota make him an invaluable asset to the North Dakota House of Representatives.


Dave Krabbenhoft

Editor's Note: Per our policy regarding letters to the editor, the publication of this letter has been paid for by Jon Nelson, District 14 Representative.