Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Around the County: Rainfall amounts for Eddy County

Eddy County is almost six inches above average for rainfall when compared to the 30-year NOAA average for the period between April 15 and August 20. Total precipitation for the period of April 15 to August 20 for the surrounding area was 17.33 inches in New Rockford, 17.94 inches in Sheyenne, 17.17 inches eight miles north of McHenry and 16.24 inches four miles north of Carrington.

After three dry weeks, total precipitation for the last week was 2.06 inches in New Rockford, 2.73 inches in Sheyenne, 2.47 inches three miles southwest of Sheyenne, 1.43 inches 15 miles east of New Rockford, 1.5 inches three miles south of Hamar, 1.87 inches eight miles north of McHenry, 1.71 inches four miles north of Carrington and 2.99 inches three miles east of Bremen.

The New Rockford (Station ND-ED-13) and Sheyenne (ND-ED-12) sites are just precipitation and the data can be found at

The McHenry 8N, Carrington 4N and the new Bremen 3E weather stations are managed by the North Dakota Agricultural Weather Network (NDAWN) and data is available at

The Sheyenne 3SW, New Rockford 15E and Hamar 3S locations are all new weather stations managed by the N.D. Department of Natural Resources and data is available at as part of their Pushing REmote SENSors (PRESENS) program. These units provide rainfall, soil moisture and temperature, and air temperature. There are additional new PRESENS sites in Foster and Wells Counties.

It is almost time to soil sample for Soybean Cyst Nematodes. The results are sent directly to you and fees other than shipping to AGVISE are covered by the North Dakota Soybean Council. Forms and bags are available from me or the Extension Office.

Please call the Extension Office at 701-947-2454 if you are having problems with your crops, pastures, livestock, lawns, gardens, trees or shrubs and would like help. Feel free to send field or pasture pictures for me to upload as Condition Monitoring Observer Reports to [email protected]. Your photos will help me document the weather challenges we are facing this season.