Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Jacobson resigns from NR-S Board

Mike Jacobson, a five-year member and former NR-S school board president, has tendered his resignation with the district.

In a letter dated Wednesday, Aug. 7, Jacobson tells his fellow board members he's resigning, and thanks them for their service.

"Serving on a school board is one of the most important things we can do in our community," writes Jacobson. "Being on this board is one of the only boards I have served on where I truly felt I was making a direct impact on our community."

Jacobson does not state his reasons for resigning, only that he believes this decision is for the best.

"I have enjoyed my time on the board," he writes. "It has had its ups and downs, but as I look back, I see my time here as a positive experience. I wish all of you the best."

Jacobson was first elected to the school board in 2019, and was re-elected to a second term in 2022. In that time he has served as both vice president and president of the school board, and has played a significant role in many of the school's projects and accomplishments over that time.

"I want to thank Mike for his years of service on the NR-S school board," said School Board President Todd Allmaras in a statement provided to the Transcript.

"I think anyone that has had the opportunity to work with him quickly experienced his passion for doing the right thing. As with any board, the members bring their personal experiences and knowledge to the table. Mike's strong business and management skills are something that made our board strong and effective."

With Jacobson's resignation, an empty seat for the former New Rockford district is now available on the school board. His 3-year term expires in June 2025.

Looking ahead, the school board has a few options available to them regarding the unexpired term.

One option is to simply leave the seat vacant, and continue on with only six members on the school board until the June 2025 election.

Should they instead decide to fill the vacancy, the district could hold a special election and ask the community to choose a new board member, or the board could simply appoint someone to fill the seat until next year's election.

First, however, the board must accept Jacobson's resignation. Despite sending his letter on Aug. 7, Jacobson's resignation was not discussed or considered at the school board's regular meeting on Monday, Aug. 12.

In his statement, Allmaras said the school board plans to address the resignation at their next regular meeting.

"Although the board has not yet formally addressed Mike's resignation, he has made his desires publicly known and I have seen his letter of resignation," wrote Allmaras. "This will be on the agenda for the September meeting."

The board's next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, Sept. 10 at 7 p.m.

Rendered 08/31/2024 09:54