Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

History of New Rockford: Oct. 21, 2024

On April 30, 1907, Mrs. J.W. Richter and Miss Jet Richter came down from Sheyenne and visited between trains. Mrs. Bemoz returned from Fargo. F.S. Dunham returned from a short visit to the Twin Cities. James E. Hyde came back from his Cass County farm, where he had checked on the spring seeding. That evening, Mr. and Mrs. E. McLean drove down from Sheyenne and visited Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Maxwell until the next day. Also that evening, Damon’s Colored Musical Comedy Co. appeared at the Opera House. One of the acts was Damon’s New Orleans Colored Students.

On April 30 and May 1, barber W.T. Buck was in Jamestown, as was H.J. Mitchell, who went as president of the State Asylum Board.

On May 1, Miss Felia Medved, the chef at the Hotel Mattson for the past few months, departed for St. Paul and a visit with her parents; she was not planning on returning. Miss Alvina Nibbe took over as chef that day. Miss Vada Aultman left for a visit to Hooper, Wash., after which she would return to her new home in Lebanon, Mo.

On May 2, a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Utz. Mrs. C.L. VanScholack came up from Esmond to visit her daughter Maggie VanScholack at Phillips Academy for a few days. Phillips Academy student Monroe Wilder left for Freeborn, where he would teach a term of school. Mrs. Ned Morris and her two daughters left after a month of visiting relatives in and around New Rockford; the family was living in Dickey, N.D. That evening, Mrs. G.D. Murphy returned from a trip to Minneapolis. That day marked the 37th anniversary of New Rockford resident Sgt. T.P. Morris’ arrival at Ft. Totten.

The May 3, 1907, “Transcript” had a new ad: The Up-to-Date Billiard Hall, Jacob Leonard, prop., cigars and soft drinks, one door south of Lorig’s Furniture Store [on St. Paul St.].

Dr. John G. Johns had moved into the Farmers & Merchants Bank building; his telephone number was 27. H.H. Miller’s butcher shop on Villard Avenue West had been remodeled.

Miss Celestia Kellington had submitted some Valley City State Normal School Notes.

Phillips Academy student Pearl Goss was able to be around after a couple weeks with the measles. Mrs. Charles Culp and her brother Charles Pottenger had been quite ill with measles, but they were recovering.

Early in the week, Mrs. J.A. Carter came in from Warwick and remained as the guest of Mrs. C.H. Babcock. During the week George Pincott from the Sheyenne Valley was in New Rockford “looking after horse trades.”

May 3 was Arbor Day. There was no school at Phillips Academy, but the students spent the morning cleaning up the school campus, and in the afternoon baseball game it was Academy, 5, Minnewaukan H.S., 3. Guy Thompson struck out 12, allowed only three hits, and walked one; he also hit a double. The Academy girls’ basketball team defeated Minnewaukan H.S. 20 to 2. Miss Mae Engberg and Miss Ella Connolly drove up from Barlow for the games. Former New Rockford residents Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Stoddard came up from the Twin Cities to visit their daughter Mrs. J.M. Mulvey and family; they left on May 16. At 8 p.m., a large audience attended the Phillips Academy Literary Society’s program: Selection by the Orchestra; Recitation, Charles Carlson; Current Events, Walter Zellmer; Piano Duet, Mrs. H.J. Mitchell and Minnie Syftestad; Essay, Ida Forbes; Recitation, Mildred Keime; Violin Solo, Prof. J. Harvey Johnson; Biography, Eunice Hobbs; Comical Stories, Albert Dix; Vocal Solo, Guy Thompson; Debate, “Resolved, That the U.S. senators should be elected by popular vote”; Affirmative, Mont Biggs and Amy Crane; Negative, Harl Aldrich and Stella Pike; Selection, Brass & Reed Quartette; Newspaper, Anna Melberg and Edna Lloyd; Selection, Orchestra. At 8:30 p.m., Mrs. James Carroll’s music students gave a recital of instrumental and vocal solos, duets and quartettes, recitations and fancy drills; a large crowd enjoyed the event.

On the morning of May 4, the Minnewaukan High School baseball and basketball teams played in New Rockford; in basketball the NRHS girls won 6 to 4; in baseball the NRHS boys won 6 to 5. Attorney R.P. Allison went to Esmond, where he joined his wife who had gone there earlier in the week to visit their sons R.L. Allison and Homer Allison and their families; they returned on May 6. Shortly after dinner the NRFD was called out to the Hotel Brown, where it appeared the roof was on fire; it proved to be a chimney “burning out” and there was no damage.

From May 4 to 7, T.G. Kellington was in Valley City visiting his family. From May 4 to 8, Hjalmer Arveskaug of Fessenden was in New Rockford on business and to visit; his mother accompanied him back to Fessenden and would live with him.

On Sunday, May 5, Miss Ruby Wheeler, a Social Purity evangelist, lectured at the Methodist Church in the morning and at the Opera House in the evening. William Wilson was down from Sheyenne to visit. Willie and Emma Dietz, accompanied by Miss Bertha Striber, returned to Fessenden after a few days visiting their brother Frank at Phillips Academy. That evening, a 9-lb. daughter was born to cashier and Mrs. A.E. Swanson of Barlow.

On May 6, Miss Carolyn Waters came home from a visit to Sheyenne. Perry Stanton returned from a winter in New Mexico Territory. D.H. Fowler returned from Ontario and the next day left for Idaho to check on his real estate interests. Attorney James A. Manly went to Carrington to attend court. Earl Starks went on a business trip to Minneapolis. Walter Stitzel left to visit friends in Portland, Ore.

From May 6 to 8, barber Roy Stitzel was in Williston on business.

The Eddy County Commissioners (Gunvaldson, Dafoe and Dailey) met on May 7. They voted to pay the following: $45, John Collins, janitor for April; $25, Dr. G.D. Murphy, medical attention for Mrs. Fred Alfson and for the C.A. Parker children; $80, R.M. Kennedy, coal for courthouse; $44.50, R.M. Kennedy, wood and coal to Mrs. William Cahill, Mrs. Lewis and Louis Williams; $11.75, J.C. Smith, coal to Mrs. William Cahill; $24, Rodenberg & Schwoebel, supplies for Mrs. William Cahill; $3.50, H.W. Clark, taking off storm sash; $163.28, J.W. Ellingson, grading on the county line.