Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
Monday morning, Dec. 2, the Main Street Christmas decorations were hung on the light poles through town. The old truck on the loading dock got its Christmas decorations and tree on Saturday.
Wed., Dec. 4, Curtis Larson delivered fruit boxes to the Sheyenne residents who ordered from Olivia for a school fundraiser.
Community quilters Karen Birkeland, Randy Keller, Bonnie Deegan and Patti Larson finished a couple quilts and started two more last Wednesday. Jan Loe and Pastor Jeff joined them for coffee before the confirmation class showed up on the bus from school. Next community quilters' date is Jan. 8 at 1 p.m. for anyone who wants to join.
Brenda Bachmeier of Pink Pistol Flower Boutique held a porch pot class at Open Season Lodge last Wednesday evening. Gals from all around the area enjoyed putting together their own creation with the multitude of evergreen boughs, pine cones and other sprigs from nature. Extra Christmas balls, bows and ornaments were available for finishing touches. Refreshments and goodies were served buffet- style by the Open Season Lodge board.
Following Advent service at First Lutheran Church last Wednesday, Dianne Hanson, Denise Labrensz, Kathy Albrecht, Patti Larson and Irene Cudworth served coffee and treats in the fellowship hall. A brief council meeting was held to fill out the budget proposal for the annual meeting scheduled for Jan. 19, 2025.
The elementary Christmas program filled the NR-Sheyenne gym last Tuesday night. Mrs. Westby began promptly at 6 p.m. by thanking everyone involved in setting up and preparing for the concert.
Kindergarten through grade 5 performed a number of traditional Christmas songs along with some new ones, including one with sign language. The community appreciates Laurie for teaching music this first semester so the elementary students didn't miss out. Mrs. Larson will be teaching elementary music for the remainder of this school year.
Patti Larson visited Stan and Marilynn Kruger at their farm last Saturday afternoon.
Saturday morning, Dec. 7, the Sheyenne GRIT board met at the 301 Pleasant Ave. house to prioritize work needing to be done to prepare it for sale.
Doug Cudworth brought the Larsons a beautiful fresh evergreen centerpiece he made for the holidays.
Work on the 301 Pleasant Ave. property is progressing. MDU trenched the line for the house last Tuesday. Linderman Construction completed the garage wall foundation. Next will be to build the basement steps.
Rhoda Stenberg celebrated her birthday with her brother Carl Daugherty and her friends at the Sheyenne Senior Center on Friday afternoon, Dec. 6. During a break from Mexican Train and working on a puzzle, they enjoyed angel food cake with whipped cream and strawberries, along with other goodies.
Patti Larson stopped at the Mary Kay open house at the home of Kerstin Allmaras, New Rockford, on Sunday afternoon. Later, she got in on special music at the Heritage House when visiting her mom, Marge Anderson.
Jan Loe and Steph were in Grand Forks Saturday, Dec. 7. They met Jim and Marjean Woodrow for lunch and a visit. Before returning home, Jan and Steph did some shopping.
Cookie plates will be put together on Sunday, Dec. 15, at First Lutheran, Sheyenne. Anyone wanting to bring goodies or to help with delivery, meet at the parish hall at 1:30 p.m.
The Sheyenne Community will light luminaries on the longest night of the year (Winter Solstice), Dec. 21 to remember loved ones no longer with us or to consider anyone facing challenges this year. Luminaries bring light to the darkness. Everyone is welcome to meet at the Senior Center about 1:30 p.m. that Saturday. Nachos and hot cocoa provided by Thrivent.