Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Sermonette: December 16, 2024

There is something amazing currently happening in North Dakota. However, very few people are aware of it. Whether you are Catholic or non-Catholic, believer or non-believer, you can be inspired by this.

On November 1, 2022, Bishop David Kagan, the bishop of Bismarck, recommended for further study the process toward canonization of the Servant of God, Michelle Duppong. What does this all mean? After 2,000-plus years since Jesus Christ founded the Catholic Church, North Dakota may possibly find one of its own named as a saint.

Michelle's story is an inspiring one. A documentary produced recently has a title that captures her story well: "Radiating Joy." Michelle was a laywoman with a rather ordinary story. She was raised and cared for on a farm in Haymarsh, N.D. by a loving family. She attended NDSU and became a FOCUS Missionary. FOCUS stands for Fellowship of Catholic University Students. A FOCUS missionary brings the love of Jesus Christ to students at college campuses around the country through evangelization activities such as leading bible study workshops and simply befriending others. Those who knew her sensed an extraordinary joy that she radiated to everyone she encountered. After a successful stint as a FOCUS missionary for six years serving at four different college campuses around the country, she became the Director of Faith Formation for the Diocese of Bismarck. Again, her radiating of joy trademark was exhibited in this new assignment. She was responsible for organizing different diocesan events such as Thirst Conferences with nationally-renowned speakers which drew attendees from many states.

All appeared to be going well with her life until the winter of 2014 when she was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and given only months to live. It was then that her supernatural story came to its climax.

Despite going through treatments that placed her in incredible pain, the smile on her face radiating joy never seemed to go away. In fact, it was evident to those around her that despite her pain she maintained the same objective that she had exhibited earlier in her life; to place the well-being and the needs of others ahead of herself. Michelle Duppong taught us that the way to holiness does not come from an appearance of piety that makes others feel uncomfortable to be around, but rather from a consistent genuine love for people that makes them always feel welcome, accepted and cared about.

In short, she was someone people always wanted to be around because she wanted others to experience the love of Christ she was filled with. Whether it was kitchen staff as she was ordering meals while in the hospital, or surgeons that were working toward curing her, she always took the time to genuinely ask how they were doing. Here is someone in debilitating pain, not focused on her own suffering, but rather concerned about how others were doing instead.

She demonstrated this radiating joy and care for others until her death on Christmas Day 2015. It was her supernatural witness to others that persuaded Bishop Kagan to open the cause for investigation into whether Michelle Duppong could be named as a saint in the future. If you wish to learn more regarding this extraordinary story please visit

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