Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
On the afternoon of August 3, 1907, the local American Society of Equity met. That evening, Mr. and Mrs. Christ Berge entertained many friends and neighbors at a dance in their new barn northwest of town.
On August 3 and 4, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bymoen were down from Leeds visiting relatives and friends. From August 3 to 6, Miss Mame Tracy of Valley City was visiting Mrs. D. Labhardt and other friends.
At 10 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 4, there was a Confirmation Service at the Swedish Lutheran Church at Sheyenne, Rev. Carl W. Andeer, pastor. H.C. Sexton drove to Cathay to get his wife and daughter, who had arrived from Faribault, Minn., via the Soo Line. The Sextons moved into the Hotel Mattson. A.E. Wiltsie of Barlow visited in New Rockford.
On August 4 and 5, Mrs. Wayne Johnston visited her sister at Leeds.
On August 5, Earl Starks returned from a western trip. John Murkrud returned from a visit with his parents in Wisconsin. Roy Treffry, Charles Baird and E.H. Martin came home from the Inter-State Fair in Fargo. Druggists Mark Williams and Orley E. Couch and Mrs. Couch went to the State Druggists’ Association meeting in Fargo; O.E. Couch was named to the Executive Committee. A 10-pound son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hutchinson east of New Rockford. At the horse races in Fessenden, the mare Belle Stanton of Arbogast Farm won first prize in the 2:35 class in five heats, with Maggie H. taking heats 2 and 4.
On August 6, lightning struck in the hay field where Ira Moss and his hired man were driving a wagonload of hay and Moss’s little son and daughter were driving two teams pulling mowers. The boy was knocked unconscious and fell from the mower, the little girl had burns on a hand and shoulder and the two men were thrown off the load of hay. The teams hitched to the mowers ran away; one mower was wrecked, but neither animal was injured. The result for the four people was termed “a miraculous escape.” The members of the New Rockford Milling Co. met and decided to install machinery to accommodate a 150-barrel capacity. Attorney M.A. Liles was down from Minnewaukan on legal business. Robert Johnson was in from St. Paul, where he had gone during the winter and would stay during the fall.
On August 6, the Eddy County Commissioners (Gunvaldson, Dafoe, Dailey) met. They approved payment of the following: $96, E.M. Stitzel & Son, grade contract; $20, K.J. Briggs, grading road; $22.50, Etta Schwoebel, auditor’s clerk; $4.69, New Rockford Light & Water Co., July lights; $1, A.G. Gardner, recording fees. They measured and checked the cement sidewalks along the courthouse lots and voted to pay $99.80, F.C. Davies, balance due on cement sidewalks.
On August 7, Harry Piltingsrud of Leeds and Ruth Gronvold of New Rockford were married in the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. O.C. Gronvold, by Rev. E.T. Quam of Sheyenne, with only family members and “a few intimate friends” present. The couple left on the train the next day for a short trip east and then would live in Leeds, where the groom had a mercantile business. That morning, Dr. Charles MacLachlan drove to Fessenden in his auto. G.W. Tanner began cutting 130 acres of oats and barley on the old Marsh Chamberlain farm; it was the first harvesting in the county. David Twist returned from his trip to Fargo and some places in Minnesota. H.J. Mitchell came back from Jamestown, where he had attended a meeting of the State Asylum Board.
On August 7 and 8, there was a meeting of the Board of Trustees of Phillips Academy. Abram Baldwin of Oberon was empowered to collect subscription notes; Lizzie Biggs was hired to teach in the new department of telegraphy; and a committee composed of principal L.J. Aldrich, Mr. Phillips and Mr. Paton was formed to hire a new teacher for the Commercial Department. From August 7 to 11, Ralph Beebe visited in Harvey.
On August 8, the temperature hit 94 degrees in the shade. Miss Hattalyne Wiltsie, accompanied by her grandmother, returned from a week’s visit with relatives at Fessenden. Mrs. J.A. McAuley returned from a visit to Wisconsin. Mrs. John F. Goss came home after a week of visiting friends at Fessenden. W.C. Dresser left for Mountain Home, Idaho, to look over some real estate; he returned on August 21. That afternoon, the fireman on the northbound freight train suffered a sunstroke while it was in New Rockford and was in serious condition for a while; the train was held for several hours before he recovered. That evening, Judge D.F. Ellsworth married William Virgil Gilmore and Alma Lincoln at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. B.M. Leonard. That night, there was a heavy rain shower.
The Aug. 9, 1907, “Transcript” contained the following ad: “WANTED – A janitor for the city school building. Apply to one of the directors before August 17th, 1907."
Dentist F.D. Norton had a new double hammerless shotgun for sale for $16.
The excavation of the cellar for Mike Lies’ new house near the creamery had begun; the building would be 26-by-28 with 14-foot posts. Contractors John and Henry Lorig had begun building a new house for Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Kunkel on Lamborn Avenue West. Peter Lorig was remodeling the W.H. Foos residence on Stimson Avenue East. E.S. Severtson had put an iron fence around his property. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Hylton had sold their house on the “east side” to Frank Lies. Because of Mrs. Hylton’s poor health, the Hyltons were planning on moving to Washington state.
Early in the week, Will Stevens of Esmond was visiting in New Rockford. During the week Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen of Knox and Mrs. P.F. Russell were visiting at the “elegant Tomlinson” home. Also during the week, Miss Mabel Demming of Valley City visited Miss Gertrude Kunkel. Mr. Hope Crawford enjoyed a visit from his father A.H. Crawford, Sr., during the week; the elderly gentleman had also spent a week in Esmond visiting another son, Dr. Jack Crawford, and went back to Esmond on August 10.
On August 9, M. Clerc was in from near McHenry on business. Mrs. H.H. Miller’s mother arrived from Winona, Minn., for a visit. Miss Dora Lenschner and Miss Stacie McGrath came down from Voltaire, N.D. to visit Miss Mary Lenschner. Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Wiltsie went to Garrison, N.D. Mrs. P. Bleakley and children returned to their home in Hankinson after a short visit with her sister, Mrs. Charles MacLachlan. Miss Olive Couch left to visit her parents at Brittin, N.D., in Burleigh County; she returned on August 22.
On August 10, real estate agent George W. Streeter left New Rockford and on August 15 married Anna Bush of Rock Island, Ill. [Streeter had married Nell Davidson of New Rockford on Jan. 26, 1904; on Aug. 16, 1904, she passed away following childbirth.] They arrived in New Rockford on August 22.